martes, 30 de junio de 2009

Saturday June 13, was our second week we went to the cooperative DETODAS was a much more enriching experience, because to our training went 15 socias. We did not expect so many socias, but it was super nice see the enthusiasm.

Our training was focused on internal and external customer. We gave the meaning of internal and external customer.
It was our first time that we training to the socias, but we really feel that we were welcomed by the socias and the 3 hours of training was unfolding in an interactive environment and good humor.
We began to introduce each one saying our name and the socias too was saying their names and what business had. Our first activity was that the socias had to do a mathematical exercise and then see the number that they have and take a envelope and inside was a question related to customers and the socias started to said their points of view, later we had a panel discussion with all the points of view that the socias gave.
Then, to give different points of views about internal and external customers, we give brief slides that we projected the meanings of external and internal customers, we could notice that the socias were very intersting about the topic, taking any questions to get out their doubts.
Then we made them to personificate a client internal or external customers in a play, was a very nice experience, because we realized that the members had understood the meaning of the two types of customers that exist in a business. After the play, did a little analysis on the attitude of the internal and external clients.
To strengthen all activities at the end we spent some slides giving tips for improving your business and what might help them get a better deal towards its customers.
For me it was an enriching experience, because we share what we know and know that I can help someone to offer somes tips or information that could improve their business makes me more committed what I'm doing. Also see the enthusiasm of the members to learn, motivate is to continue working. But after hours of training we had a moment to talk and provide some snacks to the socias.

3 comentarios:

  1. Isabel - This is great! Don't forget to reflect on the concepts we are learning in class and how they relate to what you are doing in the Cooperativa. This will enrich your actions.

  2. Isa !!! I like your blog about the cooperativa!! But I have a question for you: How this social acction, training the socias, influences in your personal life?

  3. Doing social work has influenced me, because it gives me a chance to meet my potential or skills, and to help the socias is a great advantage to maximize my free time.
