Saturday July 25, went to the cooperative detodas, but we had a little incident, we arrived late,because of the traffic and the parade of guayaquil and the streets were closed.
We arrive at the cooperativa at 10am, and the socias were waiting for us. We started with training etiquette and we teach how to present and the priorities at the moment of introduce somebody taking into account their professional status,age, sex, etc ... also the formulas presentations and how to respond when someone presents you with another person. And the correct way to sit.
To reinforce what they learned we introduce some activities and situations, and they represent the proper way to introduce someone. Finally, when we finished the training and shared the snacks with the socias, they thanked us because we taught the formulas of etiquette, because they have a lot of meetings with the directors of the cooperativa and they are gonna apply these formulas in their meetings.
For us was gratifying that the members thanked us, because we realized that we were covering their needs of socias and they are learning and also we interact with the socias and the feedback that we have with the members after every training we give.
Isabel - Did you enjoy writing in this blog? It is not clear how much fun it was for you. I hope it was because you did an excellent job with this assignment and with the course in general. Congratulations and keep going with your service. Just because the course ended does not mean that you need to end serving.