miércoles, 29 de julio de 2009

Saturday July 25, went to the cooperative detodas, but we had a little incident, we arrived late,because of the traffic and the parade of guayaquil and the streets were closed.
We arrive at the cooperativa at 10am, and the socias were waiting for us. We started with training etiquette and we teach how to present and the priorities at the moment of introduce somebody taking into account their professional status,age, sex, etc ... also the formulas presentations and how to respond when someone presents you with another person. And the correct way to sit.
To reinforce what they learned we introduce some activities and situations, and they represent the proper way to introduce someone. Finally, when we finished the training and shared the snacks with the socias, they thanked us because we taught the formulas of etiquette, because they have a lot of meetings with the directors of the cooperativa and they are gonna apply these formulas in their meetings.

For us was gratifying that the members thanked us, because we realized that we were covering their needs of socias and they are learning and also we interact with the socias and the feedback that we have with the members after every training we give.

sábado, 25 de julio de 2009

When we got to the cooperativa Detodas, the good thing is we saw more and new socias. Also a socia yanina, took his little son Aron. We began our english class with nice to meet you, nice to meet you to, what is your name?

At first it was difficult for the socias, but reinforced with orally exercises they can feel more comfortable. The exercises we did with them we review past lessons that they learned. We write in the board the translation and pronunciation of the phrases.

Comparing with the class, we give all our skills to help socias, and we hope that the training we are giving be a great help for the socias.

When we arrive to the cooperativa, were the same socias last Saturday and we continue with the english class that Saturday, but we notice that the socias had forgotten some things and we strengthen with them..
But the good thing that the members were excited to strengthen and repass the class, we made with them a lot of exercise to a better understandig.

With the review could cover all the doubts, and every Saturday we feel proud of the results of the socias, because we see the enthusiasm of the socias to learn; and also we are learning to help without receiving anything in return and that is what I have learned to value and also we receive affection of gratitude.

domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

New class we start anda was English, because the socias requested and they want to learn.

It was the first time that we start with English class, but the sad part was that only attended 4 socias it was a little sad, despite this we continue with our classes and it was nice because we could make it more personalized.

In this class we began by teaching greetings, presentations, for example: saying his name, what language they speak and forms of greetings. In my point of view of the English class for the socias in their interest to learn, and because they have micro empresas someday somebody of English-speaking visit their business and they can defend themselves.

To teach the class was very cool because we saw the enthusiastic of the socias to learn and participate, asking every question they had. While for some socias is difficult but they keep trying.

Now that we have several saturdays to the Cooperative, we see these activity to share a little of what we know and be able to help socias.

domingo, 12 de julio de 2009

Cognitive Surplus

My personal opinion on this video is that it is true what they said, because many a lot of our free time we are consumers and not take advantage of our experience and skills to support others.

Upon seeing the video I think that we must maximize our free time, sharing with others in the little time that we sometimes have. First, if I am a consumer at any point, but I also recognize that free time that I have, I am predisposed to share and be productive by sharing my knowledge with my potential and to give to others.

Social responsibility that we are doing, of course that made us change our way of seeing things and be able to contribute with little our ability to invest our time helping people.

martes, 30 de junio de 2009

Saturday June 13, was our second week we went to the cooperative DETODAS was a much more enriching experience, because to our training went 15 socias. We did not expect so many socias, but it was super nice see the enthusiasm.

Our training was focused on internal and external customer. We gave the meaning of internal and external customer.
It was our first time that we training to the socias, but we really feel that we were welcomed by the socias and the 3 hours of training was unfolding in an interactive environment and good humor.
We began to introduce each one saying our name and the socias too was saying their names and what business had. Our first activity was that the socias had to do a mathematical exercise and then see the number that they have and take a envelope and inside was a question related to customers and the socias started to said their points of view, later we had a panel discussion with all the points of view that the socias gave.
Then, to give different points of views about internal and external customers, we give brief slides that we projected the meanings of external and internal customers, we could notice that the socias were very intersting about the topic, taking any questions to get out their doubts.
Then we made them to personificate a client internal or external customers in a play, was a very nice experience, because we realized that the members had understood the meaning of the two types of customers that exist in a business. After the play, did a little analysis on the attitude of the internal and external clients.
To strengthen all activities at the end we spent some slides giving tips for improving your business and what might help them get a better deal towards its customers.
For me it was an enriching experience, because we share what we know and know that I can help someone to offer somes tips or information that could improve their business makes me more committed what I'm doing. Also see the enthusiasm of the members to learn, motivate is to continue working. But after hours of training we had a moment to talk and provide some snacks to the socias.

domingo, 14 de junio de 2009

Our first visit was with my mates(Marianita Calderón, Valeria Larriva, Denisse Navia e Isabel Cevallos) on Saturday, June 6 to the Cooperativa DETODAS. I really was a little nervous and expectations to meet the socias, because we were going to meet and talk about what we are gonna do in the cooperativa DE TODAS with them. Really my expectations were fulfilled, because the socias were super gentle and really could strike up a conversation and was very interesting, because we know the socias and we can share with them an enjoyable time, and we can know what are their goals. To the meeting went five socias in which they told us a little bit about their work, their experiences of life and what is the Cooperativa DETODAS really means for the socias.

After having known a little bit of each, we talked of what what we are gonna do with them. We start to explain how important is for us to know about what they would like to learn in the capacitation that we are gonna give.
For us was exciting when the members told us the issues that they wanted to learn and I am sure they are excited about the activities that we will provide the following Saturdays. For me who cal l my attention is that the socias have a great enthusiastic and eager to continue learning and prepared continuously.
The purpose for me to go Saturday to the cooperative DETODAS, is t, because i so explore myself and to mature each day, for me that is the reason to serving others, see the happiness of the socias, i find the meaning of servig, because we are providing a little bit of our knowledge and share of what we learn in class.
For a major change in society we need the collaboration of each one to transform the society a take the apportunities that everyday bring us the life.

domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009


Watch the videos about diet give an introduction to explore this topic, because the videos inform us that the society is really concerned about the nature and the health and the welfare of others, but also the way people eat, and the reading the Investigation of Truth, tell us the "necessaraly be based on an accurate undestanding of human nature."

The relationships between the videos and the reading are that the human nature has two aspects: "the material and the spiritual, the reading tell us that the material nature is importante to survive and the consequences are injustice, cruelty and egotism", because the human nature do not think that is doing harm to nature, animals by the way he treats them.

Another relationship is the "determination to eliminate injustice", the movie emphasizes if we care the animals we have to start to eat less meat, because it is unjust how is the treatment towards animals. For the well being to our bodys is necessary to eat more healthy and that contributes to not contaminate the enviroment.

Really to get a better understanding of what is the investigation of the truth is that I need to start being a person who seeks the truth, and able to strengthen my knowledge.What I understand so far the human being is trying to be perfect and has driven the need to know more every day about the situations that are happening around us, this means that every day I am in search of new things to contribute to a transformation in my life and to contribute to society.

In order to have a balance in our lives we need to define what we seek as individuals; as a material person the person is finding to survive in this changing world and look for new strategies, but in the spiritual man is more aware and look for a transformation in society and establish their goals.

As individuals we must be aware that there is a world so beautiful. As a society we must take care of our environment and our compromise to commit to not pollute and be more aware that our values has to be related to find new solutions to the situations.


For me the most interesting thing I learned in class, we as a society we can make big changes. Making social responsibility does not make us better people, but helps us to know more about a world of reality that sometimes we do not know. The importance of social responsibility is a commitment to what we are doing and the most important part learning from each experience that we are living.

Also what I have learned is that, as individuals are in the process of maturation, because more people are interested in the welfare of others. In order to advance we have to be committed to cooperating with each change that occurs in society and have the same goals for the welfare of others.

We need to act to achieve these changes, something essential is to communicate and share new ideas is the importance of service.

sábado, 2 de mayo de 2009


The first person that we interview was Olga Angulo, she have two childrens one of 15 and 13 years old. Olga Knew the Cooperative, through some friends in common. To her it motivated to be part of the Cooperativa Detodas, because they offer an economic easiness and to be able to be overcome as a person. She has de complete support of their family, Olga began selling Yanba, but now she sells clothes. With the Cooperativa didnt have any obstacle, Olga also told us that the Cooperativa Detodas is kind and they encourage the women to continue progressing. The aspirations that olga have are: to continue overcome and to improve their economic situation. For her to be part of the Cooperativa Detodas it is an opportunity to grow as women and mother. Olga feels sure and doesnt depend nobody.

Another person talked us about the Cooperativa Detodas. The person is: Isabel Quezada
Isabel Knew the Coopertativa Detodas through her neighbors. Isabel motivated her to be part of the cooperativa, because she likes the trade and the decoration of the houses. Her business is to sell articles for the home. Their family support her. Isabel Doesnt have any problems to being part of the Cooperativa, her aspirations are to continue working and continue beinf part of the Cooperativa.

My experience to do these interviews to these women: In these times the women has a important role in the society, now they are capable to contribute economically in their houses, they take decisions and they want to be overcome and to continue ahead for their future. It was very enriching, to see women that implement their talents to be able to be part of the competetive society. Finally, I could see in their eyes that happiness to have their own business and they are women that fight to continue their lives.

Uniting with we are learned, it is that we are growing as a society, because exist people or coopertative that are really interested in helping people who really need it. The women that belong to the Cooperativa Detodas, are women that feel really sure about their work and each thing that they make they cherish.